Landline in your pocket
Never miss a call again
Unlimited numbers...
...on a single device
Answer anytime, anywhere
With or without Internet
From just €3.00 per month!


Imagine you could carry your landline around with you wherever you went. No more missed calls. No more worrying about leaving your desk for 10 minutes. With a Pro-Talk account you can subscribe to a landline number and then answer the call from any location in the world. For example, you can have a London landline number and “point” it to as many devices as you want, including smartphones, tablets, VOIP phones, your computer or even a traditional telephone or mobile. Then, when someone rings the number, you can answer it on any of these devices! The caller will be charged only the price of a call to the London number.  And the call costs you absolutely nothing! (see below for details)

You can truly carry your landline around with you and, what’s more, you can carry around as many landlines as you want! All from just €3 per month!

