Make and receive calls (with Internet access)
- Sign up for a free account. Upon successful registration, you will receive an email containing your account username and password.
- Click here to log into your account.
- Once you have logged into your account, click SIP/IAX INFO" on the left hand side of the page.
- You will be presented with a page containing your Username and Password. Please make a note of these. They will not necessarily be identical to the Username and Password you used to log into your account.
- Next, you will need to install an app on your phone (or program on your desktop/laptop) which will act as a virtual telephone for making and receiving calls. There are a number of free apps and programs available for this purpose and you may use whichever you prefer. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use "Media5-fone". We also recommend Zoiper as being an effective app, which is available for most smartphones and PC.
- When you first open Media5-fone you will be presented with an initial Welcome Screen. Tap "Start" at the top right-hand corner of the screen and you will then be asked to configure your new Pro-Talk account. Essentially, we need to input the information which will enable Media5 to access our Pro-Talk account so that we can start making and receiving calls. Tap "Define Manually" as shown below.
- Next, you will be asked to enter your account details. Enter the Username and Password which you obtained in Step 3 (You may enter anything you like in the "Title" box because this is only used for your own reference and does not affect access to your account). Once you have entered the relevant information, tap "Servers" as shown below.
- On the following page you will see a lot of information, but the only thing you need to do is enter "" in the "Address" box. After that, select "Done" in the top right-hand corner.
- Now you should see a dial pad from which you can make calls. The dial pad includes a small picture of a telephone in a red or green box. If the box is green then your account was successfully access and you are ready to go. If the box is red then there was an error in accessing your account. This is most likely caused by an incorrect Username/Password or because your phone/computer has no internet access.
- It is important to remember when placing calls that you must dial the number in its full international format – even if it is a local call. Don't worry, you will still only be charged the low rates advertised on our website.
- If you have purchased a phone number for your account for the purposes of receiving phone calls then you should note that, by default, apps such as Media5 will "go to sleep" when they are not open and you will therefore not receive calls in those circumstances. If you wsh to receive calls on your phone number even when the app is closed (for example, if you are using some other app at the time the call is received) then you need to follow the instructions below.
Receiving Calls when App not in use
- If you have purchased a phone number for your account for the purposes of receiving phone calls then you should note that apps such as Media5 will often "go to sleep" when they are not open and you will therefore not receive calls in those circumstances. If you wish to receive calls on your phone number even when the app is closed (for example, if you are using some other app at the time the call is received) then you need to follow the instructions below.
- In Media5, tap "More" in the bottom right-hand corner of the dial pad screen.
- Tap "Settings".
- Ensure that "Run in background" is enabled. By default, it should be enabled but, if it is not, tap it to enable. Once enabled, you are done and can ho back to the Dial pad by tapping its icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Please note that you must enable "Notifications" for Media5 (or whichever app you are using) on your mobile device in order to receive incoming call alerts and missed call alerts.
Receiving Calls on an ordinary phone or mobile (without Internet)
- If you have subscribed to a Pro-Talk phone number and wish to receive incoming calls to that number on your ordinary phone or mobile (without having to install an app, and without requiring internet access) then please follow these steps.
- Log into your Pro-Talk account using any internet browser.
- On the left menu, click "DID".
- Towards the bottom of the following page, you will see a list of phone numbers to which you have subscribed. Click on the Pencil icon beside the DID you wish to edit.
- On the following screen, replace the content of the "Destination" field with the phone number to which you wish to divert all calls made to the number which you are editing. For example, if you want all the calls received by this number to be diverted to your mobile phone so that you can answer them on your mobile without requiring Internet, simply enter your mobile number in the "Destination" field. Remember to enter the number in its full international format. If you later decide to stop diverting calls and receive them in the usual way (i.e. for free on your mobile app/VOIP phonne etc, but requiring Internet access) then simply return to this page and replace the content of the destination field with "SIP/". For example, if your Pro-Talk account number is 12345 then simply change the destination field to "SIP/12345" (without the quotation marks.
When diverting calls to a landline or mobile number, ensure that the "VOIP Call" option is set to "No". Otherwise, the option should be set to "Yes" (for example where you simply want to answer the call on your mobile app without diverting it anywhere).
Click "Confirm Data" once you are finished. Now, try ringing the number which you have just edited. You should find that the call is diverted to whichever number you entered in the "Destination" field.
- Please remember that, when you divert a call to a regular phone or mobile, what is actually happening is that you are placing a call to that phone or mobile. You will accordingly be charged at our standard rates for that call. This can be distinguished from receiving the call using an app such as Media5 i.e. where you require internet access to receive the call. In the latter situation, the call does not cost you anything.
You can repeat the procedure above for changing the "destination" of the call to any phone number you like. However, if you wish to revert to answering the phone call in the usual way then you need to enter the following in the "Destination" field: "SIP/[your Pro-Talk account number]". For example, if my Pro-Talk username/account number is 12345 then I would type SIP/12345 in the Destination field. Click "Confirm Data" when you are done.